As stated by organizational learning guru Peter Senge in the "Shared Vision" chapter of "The Fifth Discipline", "Seek Alignment, Not agreement. The temptation will be strong to paper over differences for the sake of reaching resolution and producing output". (1994 Doubleday NY, NY)
Once people get clear about priorities and change the mindsets that impede progress, the organization will develop high levels of engagement, championship caliber teamwork and employee well being (substantially more than equipment, work space, policies, pay, benefits, training, proceedures or slogans can):
- Teams comprised of employees, regardless of rank, communicating with full candor.
- Employees holding each other accountable to high levels of performance and behavior.
- The organization works, taking full advantage of resources and infrastructure.
- The cost savings derived when business units make collaborative decisions, contrasted with the waste generated when pet projects are defended and approved primarily to appease individuals' or a department's egos.
- The innovation that results when individuals and teams bring unguarded raw ideas, devoid of hidden agendas, fully focused towards achieving the shared vision.
- A high-capacity, high morale and strong customer orientated organization. A high-capacity enterprise can assimilate process improvements smoothly, leading to higher productivity and profits. Such an organization is motivated to improve customer satisfaction, can respond flexibly to change, and will counter new environmental threats with creativity and innovation.