Quantum Physicist and Philosopher, David Bohm wrote that dialogue should focus on bringing to the surface and altering the "tacit infrastructure" of thought. Bohm described dialogue as a way of communicating while simultaneously paying attention to assumptions taken for granted, to create a culture of "conscious collective mindfulness". (1985, Loveland, Colorado: Foundation House)
How We Transform Enterprise Productivity
Crew Leadership specializes in building your organization's capacity for high performance - bringing out your peoples' best to achieve your organization's mission and vision. We help you relieve managers of process overhead, and increase profitability.
The core issue is people's thinking. Clear thinking always precedes clear actions. Limited understanding, assumed to be complete, produce limited results.
Reinvigorating your enterprise involves three overlapping areas of development.
We bring clarity to your enterprise, ensuring that all parties have an accurate model of the organization. This includes achieving clarity on your vision and strategies to best deliver value to your customers. Teams learn about the realities, needs, and potential of other groups they touch.
We introduce a framework and skills to build healthy organizational behaviors, instilling business units with good habits of communication and tangible measures to reinforce those habits.
We facilitate honest dialogue, building a commitment to risk-taking in communications that is the hallmark of high-performance workplaces. Business units and team members often discover misconceptions about each other that have led directly to a failure to collaborate and faulty decision-making.